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Sebastian is a Hispanic tattoo-artist who has been involved in the tattoo-business in many different ways. From a young age, he was interested in arts and drawings. This guided him to a time in his life where he would be a really talented graffiti artist.

He started out hosting and being the spokesperson at tattoo conventions, locally and internationally, before evolving into the tattoo-artist he is today. Seb loves tattooing Chicano style and cartoons!

“ I admire all the great Chicano artists like Chuco Moreno, Freddy Negrete, Panchos Placas, and Tamara Santibañez and so many others who mastered the Chicano style. Being a Chicano artist connects me to my roots ~ staying humble and working hard.”

The most important thing to Seb’s work ethic is that he tries to really listen to his clients. He’s very passionate about his work and loves designing custom tattoo pieces.

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